Unverified Commit 90f46a19 by Rémi Verschelde Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #38366 from akien-mga/xatlas-470576d

xatlas: Sync with upstream 470576d
parents a891c714 59780fd0
......@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ License: Expat
Files: ./thirdparty/xatlas/
Comment: xatlas
Copyright: 2018, Jonathan Young
Copyright: 2018-2020, Jonathan Young
2013, Thekla, Inc
2006, NVIDIA Corporation, Ignacio Castano
License: Expat
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ bool xatlas_mesh_lightmap_unwrap_callback(float p_texel_size, const float *p_ver
ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err != xatlas::AddMeshError::Enum::Success, false, xatlas::StringForEnum(err));
xatlas::Generate(atlas, chart_options, nullptr, pack_options);
xatlas::Generate(atlas, chart_options, xatlas::ParameterizeOptions(), pack_options);
*r_size_hint_x = atlas->width;
*r_size_hint_y = atlas->height;
......@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ File extracted from upstream release tarball:
## xatlas
- Upstream: https://github.com/jpcy/xatlas
- Version: git (e12ea82, 2019)
- Version: git (470576d3516f7e6d8b4554e7c941194a935969fd, 2020)
- License: MIT
Files extracted from upstream source:
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Jonathan Young
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Jonathan Young
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
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MIT License
Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Jonathan Young
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Jonathan Young
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
......@@ -42,18 +42,19 @@ struct ChartType
// A group of connected faces, belonging to a single atlas.
struct Chart
uint32_t atlasIndex; // Sub-atlas index.
uint32_t *faceArray;
uint32_t atlasIndex; // Sub-atlas index.
uint32_t faceCount;
uint32_t material;
ChartType::Enum type;
uint32_t material;
// Output vertex.
......@@ -69,10 +70,10 @@ struct Vertex
struct Mesh
Chart *chartArray;
uint32_t chartCount;
uint32_t *indexArray;
uint32_t indexCount;
Vertex *vertexArray;
uint32_t chartCount;
uint32_t indexCount;
uint32_t vertexCount;
......@@ -84,15 +85,15 @@ static const uint32_t kImageIsPaddingBit = 0x20000000;
// Empty on creation. Populated after charts are packed.
struct Atlas
uint32_t *image;
Mesh *meshes; // The output meshes, corresponding to each AddMesh call.
uint32_t width; // Atlas width in texels.
uint32_t height; // Atlas height in texels.
uint32_t atlasCount; // Number of sub-atlases. Equal to 0 unless PackOptions resolution is changed from default (0).
uint32_t chartCount; // Total number of charts in all meshes.
uint32_t meshCount; // Number of output meshes. Equal to the number of times AddMesh was called.
Mesh *meshes; // The output meshes, corresponding to each AddMesh call.
float *utilization; // Normalized atlas texel utilization array. E.g. a value of 0.8 means 20% empty space. atlasCount in length.
float texelsPerUnit; // Equal to PackOptions texelsPerUnit if texelsPerUnit > 0, otherwise an estimated value to match PackOptions resolution.
uint32_t *image;
// Create an empty atlas.
......@@ -112,22 +113,23 @@ struct IndexFormat
// Input mesh declaration.
struct MeshDecl
uint32_t vertexCount = 0;
const void *vertexPositionData = nullptr;
uint32_t vertexPositionStride = 0;
const void *vertexNormalData = nullptr; // optional
uint32_t vertexNormalStride = 0; // optional
const void *vertexUvData = nullptr; // optional. The input UVs are provided as a hint to the chart generator.
uint32_t vertexUvStride = 0; // optional
uint32_t indexCount = 0;
const void *indexData = nullptr; // optional
int32_t indexOffset = 0; // optional. Add this offset to all indices.
IndexFormat::Enum indexFormat = IndexFormat::UInt16;
// Optional. indexCount / 3 (triangle count) in length.
// Don't atlas faces set to true. Ignored faces still exist in the output meshes, Vertex uv is set to (0, 0) and Vertex atlasIndex to -1.
const bool *faceIgnoreData = nullptr;
uint32_t vertexCount = 0;
uint32_t vertexPositionStride = 0;
uint32_t vertexNormalStride = 0; // optional
uint32_t vertexUvStride = 0; // optional
uint32_t indexCount = 0;
int32_t indexOffset = 0; // optional. Add this offset to all indices.
IndexFormat::Enum indexFormat = IndexFormat::UInt16;
// Vertex positions within epsilon distance of each other are considered colocal.
float epsilon = 1.192092896e-07F;
......@@ -151,14 +153,14 @@ void AddMeshJoin(Atlas *atlas);
struct UvMeshDecl
const void *vertexUvData = nullptr;
const void *indexData = nullptr; // optional
const uint32_t *faceMaterialData = nullptr; // Optional. Faces with different materials won't be assigned to the same chart. Must be indexCount / 3 in length.
uint32_t vertexCount = 0;
uint32_t vertexStride = 0;
const void *vertexUvData = nullptr;
uint32_t indexCount = 0;
const void *indexData = nullptr; // optional
int32_t indexOffset = 0; // optional. Add this offset to all indices.
IndexFormat::Enum indexFormat = IndexFormat::UInt16;
const uint32_t *faceMaterialData = nullptr; // Optional. Faces with different materials won't be assigned to the same chart. Must be indexCount / 3 in length.
bool rotateCharts = true;
......@@ -170,24 +172,31 @@ struct ChartOptions
float maxBoundaryLength = 0.0f; // Don't grow charts to have a longer boundary than this. 0 means no limit.
// Weights determine chart growth. Higher weights mean higher cost for that metric.
float proxyFitMetricWeight = 2.0f; // Angle between face and average chart normal.
float roundnessMetricWeight = 0.01f;
float straightnessMetricWeight = 6.0f;
float normalSeamMetricWeight = 4.0f; // If > 1000, normal seams are fully respected.
float textureSeamMetricWeight = 0.5f;
float normalDeviationWeight = 2.0f; // Angle between face and average chart normal.
float roundnessWeight = 0.01f;
float straightnessWeight = 6.0f;
float normalSeamWeight = 4.0f; // If > 1000, normal seams are fully respected.
float textureSeamWeight = 0.5f;
float maxThreshold = 2.0f; // If total of all metrics * weights > maxThreshold, don't grow chart. Lower values result in more charts.
float maxCost = 2.0f; // If total of all metrics * weights > maxCost, don't grow chart. Lower values result in more charts.
uint32_t maxIterations = 1; // Number of iterations of the chart growing and seeding phases. Higher values result in better charts.
// Call after all AddMesh calls. Can be called multiple times to recompute charts with different options.
void ComputeCharts(Atlas *atlas, ChartOptions chartOptions = ChartOptions());
void ComputeCharts(Atlas *atlas, ChartOptions options = ChartOptions());
// Custom parameterization function. texcoords initial values are an orthogonal parameterization.
typedef void (*ParameterizeFunc)(const float *positions, float *texcoords, uint32_t vertexCount, const uint32_t *indices, uint32_t indexCount);
struct ParameterizeOptions
ParameterizeFunc func = nullptr;
bool closeHoles = true; // If the custom parameterization function works with multiple boundaries, this can be set to false to improve performance.
bool fixTJunctions = true; // If meshes don't have T-junctions, this can be set to false to improve performance.
// Call after ComputeCharts. Can be called multiple times to re-parameterize charts with a different ParameterizeFunc.
void ParameterizeCharts(Atlas *atlas, ParameterizeFunc func = nullptr);
void ParameterizeCharts(Atlas *atlas, ParameterizeOptions options = ParameterizeOptions());
struct PackOptions
......@@ -224,7 +233,7 @@ struct PackOptions
void PackCharts(Atlas *atlas, PackOptions packOptions = PackOptions());
// Equivalent to calling ComputeCharts, ParameterizeCharts and PackCharts in sequence. Can be called multiple times to regenerate with different options.
void Generate(Atlas *atlas, ChartOptions chartOptions = ChartOptions(), ParameterizeFunc paramFunc = nullptr, PackOptions packOptions = PackOptions());
void Generate(Atlas *atlas, ChartOptions chartOptions = ChartOptions(), ParameterizeOptions parameterizeOptions = ParameterizeOptions(), PackOptions packOptions = PackOptions());
// Progress tracking.
struct ProgressCategory
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