Commit 8ffe905c by Marcel Admiraal

Check for motion in cast_motion() before doing Bullet convexSweepTest().

Also ensure that default closest_safe and closest_unsafe values are defined in cast_motion() and before cast_motion() is called.
parent 277d2f1f
......@@ -152,6 +152,15 @@ int BulletPhysicsDirectSpaceState::intersect_shape(const RID &p_shape, const Tra
bool BulletPhysicsDirectSpaceState::cast_motion(const RID &p_shape, const Transform &p_xform, const Vector3 &p_motion, float p_margin, float &r_closest_safe, float &r_closest_unsafe, const Set<RID> &p_exclude, uint32_t p_collision_mask, bool p_collide_with_bodies, bool p_collide_with_areas, ShapeRestInfo *r_info) {
r_closest_safe = 0.0f;
r_closest_unsafe = 0.0f;
btVector3 bt_motion;
G_TO_B(p_motion, bt_motion);
if (bt_motion.fuzzyZero()) {
return false;
ShapeBullet *shape = space->get_physics_server()->get_shape_owner()->getornull(p_shape);
btCollisionShape *btShape = shape->create_bt_shape(p_xform.basis.get_scale(), p_margin);
......@@ -162,9 +171,6 @@ bool BulletPhysicsDirectSpaceState::cast_motion(const RID &p_shape, const Transf
btConvexShape *bt_convex_shape = static_cast<btConvexShape *>(btShape);
btVector3 bt_motion;
G_TO_B(p_motion, bt_motion);
btTransform bt_xform_from;
G_TO_B(p_xform, bt_xform_from);
......@@ -178,9 +184,6 @@ bool BulletPhysicsDirectSpaceState::cast_motion(const RID &p_shape, const Transf
space->dynamicsWorld->convexSweepTest(bt_convex_shape, bt_xform_from, bt_xform_to, btResult, space->dynamicsWorld->getDispatchInfo().m_allowedCcdPenetration);
r_closest_unsafe = 1.0;
r_closest_safe = 1.0;
if (btResult.hasHit()) {
const btScalar l = bt_motion.length();
r_closest_unsafe = btResult.m_closestHitFraction;
......@@ -196,6 +199,9 @@ bool BulletPhysicsDirectSpaceState::cast_motion(const RID &p_shape, const Transf
r_info->collider_id = collision_object->get_instance_id();
r_info->shape = btResult.m_shapeId;
} else {
r_closest_safe = 1.0f;
r_closest_unsafe = 1.0f;
......@@ -754,9 +754,9 @@ void ClippedCamera3D::_notification(int p_what) {
xf.origin = ray_from;
float csafe, cunsafe;
if (dspace->cast_motion(pyramid_shape, xf, cam_pos - ray_from, margin, csafe, cunsafe, exclude, collision_mask, clip_to_bodies, clip_to_areas)) {
clip_offset = cam_pos.distance_to(ray_from + (cam_pos - ray_from) * csafe);
float closest_safe = 1.0f, closest_unsafe = 1.0f;
if (dspace->cast_motion(pyramid_shape, xf, cam_pos - ray_from, margin, closest_safe, closest_unsafe, exclude, collision_mask, clip_to_bodies, clip_to_areas)) {
clip_offset = cam_pos.distance_to(ray_from + (cam_pos - ray_from) * closest_safe);
......@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ Array PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D::_intersect_shape(const Ref<PhysicsShapeQueryPar
Array PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D::_cast_motion(const Ref<PhysicsShapeQueryParameters3D> &p_shape_query, const Vector3 &p_motion) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!p_shape_query.is_valid(), Array());
float closest_safe, closest_unsafe;
float closest_safe = 1.0f, closest_unsafe = 1.0f;
bool res = cast_motion(p_shape_query->shape, p_shape_query->transform, p_motion, p_shape_query->margin, closest_safe, closest_unsafe, p_shape_query->exclude, p_shape_query->collision_mask, p_shape_query->collide_with_bodies, p_shape_query->collide_with_areas);
if (!res) {
return Array();
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