Unverified Commit 7568a455 by Rémi Verschelde Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #17020 from neikeq/cs-api-asm-checks

Mono: Better versioning and gracefully unloading of Godot API assemblies
parents 125fc8cc f37090cc
......@@ -1135,6 +1135,36 @@ String String::num_int64(int64_t p_num, int base, bool capitalize_hex) {
return s;
String String::num_uint64(uint64_t p_num, int base, bool capitalize_hex) {
uint64_t n = p_num;
int chars = 0;
do {
n /= base;
} while (n);
String s;
s.resize(chars + 1);
CharType *c = s.ptrw();
c[chars] = 0;
n = p_num;
do {
int mod = ABS(n % base);
if (mod >= 10) {
char a = (capitalize_hex ? 'A' : 'a');
c[--chars] = a + (mod - 10);
} else {
c[--chars] = '0' + mod;
n /= base;
} while (n);
return s;
String String::num_real(double p_num) {
String s;
......@@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ public:
static String num_scientific(double p_num);
static String num_real(double p_num);
static String num_int64(int64_t p_num, int base = 10, bool capitalize_hex = false);
static String num_uint64(uint64_t p_num, int base = 10, bool capitalize_hex = false);
static String chr(CharType p_char);
static String md5(const uint8_t *p_md5);
static String hex_encode_buffer(const uint8_t *p_buffer, int p_len);
......@@ -31,11 +31,18 @@ def make_cs_files_header(src, dst):
if i > 0:
header.write(', ')
inserted_files += '\tr_files.insert(\"' + file + '\", ' \
inserted_files += '\tr_files.insert("' + file + '", ' \
'CompressedFile(_cs_' + name + '_compressed_size, ' \
'_cs_' + name + '_uncompressed_size, ' \
'_cs_' + name + '_compressed));\n'
header.write(' };\n')
version_file = os.path.join(src, 'VERSION.txt')
with open(version_file, 'r') as content_file:
glue_version = int(content_file.read()) # make sure the format is valid
header.write('\n#define CS_GLUE_VERSION UINT32_C(' + str(glue_version) + ')\n')
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('Invalid C# glue version in: ' + version_file)
header.write('\nstruct CompressedFile\n' '{\n'
'\tint compressed_size;\n' '\tint uncompressed_size;\n' '\tconst unsigned char* data;\n'
'\n\tCompressedFile(int p_comp_size, int p_uncomp_size, const unsigned char* p_data)\n'
......@@ -80,23 +87,23 @@ def find_msbuild_unix(filename):
import sys
hint_dirs = ['/opt/novell/mono/bin']
if sys.platform == "darwin":
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
hint_dirs = ['/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/bin'] + hint_dirs
for hint_dir in hint_dirs:
hint_path = os.path.join(hint_dir, filename)
if os.path.isfile(hint_path):
return hint_path
elif os.path.isfile(hint_path + ".exe"):
return hint_path + ".exe"
elif os.path.isfile(hint_path + '.exe'):
return hint_path + '.exe'
for hint_dir in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
for hint_dir in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
hint_dir = hint_dir.strip('"')
hint_path = os.path.join(hint_dir, filename)
if os.path.isfile(hint_path) and os.access(hint_path, os.X_OK):
return hint_path
if os.path.isfile(hint_path + ".exe") and os.access(hint_path + ".exe", os.X_OK):
return hint_path + ".exe"
if os.path.isfile(hint_path + '.exe') and os.access(hint_path + '.exe', os.X_OK):
return hint_path + '.exe'
return None
......@@ -152,7 +159,7 @@ def mono_build_solution(source, target, env):
xbuild_fallback = env['xbuild_fallback']
if xbuild_fallback and os.name == 'nt':
print("Option 'xbuild_fallback' not supported on Windows")
print('Option \'xbuild_fallback\' not supported on Windows')
xbuild_fallback = False
if xbuild_fallback:
......@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ Vector<ScriptLanguage::StackInfo> CSharpLanguage::debug_get_current_stack_info()
// Printing an error here will result in endless recursion, so we must be careful
if (!gdmono->is_runtime_initialized() || !GDMono::get_singleton()->get_api_assembly() || !GDMonoUtils::mono_cache.corlib_cache_updated)
if (!gdmono->is_runtime_initialized() || !GDMono::get_singleton()->get_core_api_assembly() || !GDMonoUtils::mono_cache.corlib_cache_updated)
return Vector<StackInfo>();
MonoObject *stack_trace = mono_object_new(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS(System_Diagnostics_StackTrace)->get_mono_ptr());
......@@ -536,6 +536,9 @@ public:
Error generate_cs_editor_project(const String &p_output_dir, const String &p_core_dll_path, bool p_verbose_output = true);
Error generate_glue(const String &p_output_dir);
static uint32_t get_version();
static uint32_t get_cs_glue_version();
void initialize();
_FORCE_INLINE_ static BindingsGenerator *get_singleton() {
......@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
#include "main/main.h"
#include "../godotsharp_dirs.h"
#include "../mono_gd/gd_mono.h"
#include "../mono_gd/gd_mono_class.h"
#include "../mono_gd/gd_mono_marshal.h"
#include "../utils/path_utils.h"
......@@ -178,13 +177,15 @@ bool GodotSharpBuilds::build_api_sln(const String &p_name, const String &p_api_s
return true;
bool GodotSharpBuilds::copy_api_assembly(const String &p_src_dir, const String &p_dst_dir, const String &p_assembly_name) {
bool GodotSharpBuilds::copy_api_assembly(const String &p_src_dir, const String &p_dst_dir, const String &p_assembly_name, APIAssembly::Type p_api_type) {
String assembly_file = p_assembly_name + ".dll";
String assembly_src = p_src_dir.plus_file(assembly_file);
String assembly_dst = p_dst_dir.plus_file(assembly_file);
if (!FileAccess::exists(assembly_dst) || FileAccess::get_modified_time(assembly_src) > FileAccess::get_modified_time(assembly_dst)) {
if (!FileAccess::exists(assembly_dst) ||
FileAccess::get_modified_time(assembly_src) > FileAccess::get_modified_time(assembly_dst) ||
GDMono::get_singleton()->metadata_is_api_assembly_invalidated(p_api_type)) {
DirAccess *da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM);
String xml_file = p_assembly_name + ".xml";
......@@ -203,33 +204,46 @@ bool GodotSharpBuilds::copy_api_assembly(const String &p_src_dir, const String &
show_build_error_dialog("Failed to copy " + assembly_file);
return false;
GDMono::get_singleton()->metadata_set_api_assembly_invalidated(p_api_type, false);
return true;
bool GodotSharpBuilds::make_api_sln(GodotSharpBuilds::APIType p_api_type) {
String GodotSharpBuilds::_api_folder_name(APIAssembly::Type p_api_type) {
uint64_t api_hash = p_api_type == APIAssembly::API_CORE ?
GDMono::get_singleton()->get_api_core_hash() :
return String::num_uint64(api_hash) +
"_" + String::num_uint64(BindingsGenerator::get_version()) +
"_" + String::num_uint64(BindingsGenerator::get_cs_glue_version());
String api_name = p_api_type == API_CORE ? API_ASSEMBLY_NAME : EDITOR_API_ASSEMBLY_NAME;
bool GodotSharpBuilds::make_api_sln(APIAssembly::Type p_api_type) {
String api_name = p_api_type == APIAssembly::API_CORE ? API_ASSEMBLY_NAME : EDITOR_API_ASSEMBLY_NAME;
String api_build_config = "Release";
EditorProgress pr("mono_build_release_" + api_name, "Building " + api_name + " solution...", 4);
pr.step("Generating " + api_name + " solution");
uint64_t core_hash = GDMono::get_singleton()->get_api_core_hash();
uint64_t editor_hash = GDMono::get_singleton()->get_api_editor_hash();
String core_api_sln_dir = GodotSharpDirs::get_mono_solutions_dir().plus_file(API_ASSEMBLY_NAME "_" + itos(core_hash));
String editor_api_sln_dir = GodotSharpDirs::get_mono_solutions_dir().plus_file(EDITOR_API_ASSEMBLY_NAME "_" + itos(editor_hash));
String core_api_sln_dir = GodotSharpDirs::get_mono_solutions_dir()
String editor_api_sln_dir = GodotSharpDirs::get_mono_solutions_dir()
String api_sln_dir = p_api_type == API_CORE ? core_api_sln_dir : editor_api_sln_dir;
String api_sln_dir = p_api_type == APIAssembly::API_CORE ? core_api_sln_dir : editor_api_sln_dir;
String api_sln_file = api_sln_dir.plus_file(api_name + ".sln");
if (!DirAccess::exists(api_sln_dir) || !FileAccess::exists(api_sln_file)) {
String core_api_assembly;
if (p_api_type == API_EDITOR) {
if (p_api_type == APIAssembly::API_EDITOR) {
core_api_assembly = core_api_sln_dir.plus_file("bin")
.plus_file(API_ASSEMBLY_NAME ".dll");
......@@ -242,7 +256,7 @@ bool GodotSharpBuilds::make_api_sln(GodotSharpBuilds::APIType p_api_type) {
BindingsGenerator *gen = BindingsGenerator::get_singleton();
bool gen_verbose = OS::get_singleton()->is_stdout_verbose();
Error err = p_api_type == API_CORE ?
Error err = p_api_type == APIAssembly::API_CORE ?
gen->generate_cs_core_project(api_sln_dir, gen_verbose) :
gen->generate_cs_editor_project(api_sln_dir, core_api_assembly, gen_verbose);
......@@ -275,7 +289,7 @@ bool GodotSharpBuilds::make_api_sln(GodotSharpBuilds::APIType p_api_type) {
// Copy the built assembly to the assemblies directory
String api_assembly_dir = api_sln_dir.plus_file("bin").plus_file(api_build_config);
if (!GodotSharpBuilds::copy_api_assembly(api_assembly_dir, res_assemblies_dir, api_name))
if (!GodotSharpBuilds::copy_api_assembly(api_assembly_dir, res_assemblies_dir, api_name, p_api_type))
return false;
......@@ -288,10 +302,10 @@ bool GodotSharpBuilds::build_project_blocking(const String &p_config) {
if (!FileAccess::exists(GodotSharpDirs::get_project_sln_path()))
return true; // No solution to build
if (!GodotSharpBuilds::make_api_sln(GodotSharpBuilds::API_CORE))
if (!GodotSharpBuilds::make_api_sln(APIAssembly::API_CORE))
return false;
if (!GodotSharpBuilds::make_api_sln(GodotSharpBuilds::API_EDITOR))
if (!GodotSharpBuilds::make_api_sln(APIAssembly::API_EDITOR))
return false;
EditorProgress pr("mono_project_debug_build", "Building project solution...", 2);
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include "../mono_gd/gd_mono.h"
#include "mono_bottom_panel.h"
#include "mono_build_info.h"
......@@ -56,17 +57,14 @@ private:
HashMap<MonoBuildInfo, BuildProcess, MonoBuildInfo::Hasher> builds;
static String _api_folder_name(APIAssembly::Type p_api_type);
static GodotSharpBuilds *singleton;
friend class GDMono;
static void _register_internal_calls();
enum APIType {
enum BuildTool {
......@@ -89,9 +87,9 @@ public:
bool build_async(const MonoBuildInfo &p_build_info, GodotSharpBuild_ExitCallback p_callback = NULL);
static bool build_api_sln(const String &p_name, const String &p_api_sln_dir, const String &p_config);
static bool copy_api_assembly(const String &p_src_dir, const String &p_dst_dir, const String &p_assembly_name);
static bool copy_api_assembly(const String &p_src_dir, const String &p_dst_dir, const String &p_assembly_name, APIAssembly::Type p_api_type);
static bool make_api_sln(APIType p_api_type);
static bool make_api_sln(APIAssembly::Type p_api_type);
static bool build_project_blocking(const String &p_config);
......@@ -85,10 +85,10 @@ bool GodotSharpEditor::_create_project_solution() {
return false;
if (!GodotSharpBuilds::make_api_sln(GodotSharpBuilds::API_CORE))
if (!GodotSharpBuilds::make_api_sln(APIAssembly::API_CORE))
return false;
if (!GodotSharpBuilds::make_api_sln(GodotSharpBuilds::API_EDITOR))
if (!GodotSharpBuilds::make_api_sln(APIAssembly::API_EDITOR))
return false;
......@@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ void GodotSharpExport::_export_begin(const Set<String> &p_features, bool p_debug
// TODO right now there is no way to stop the export process with an error
String build_config = p_debug ? "Debug" : "Release";
......@@ -39,4 +39,7 @@
#define EDITOR_API_ASSEMBLY_NAME "GodotSharpEditor"
#define EDITOR_TOOLS_ASSEMBLY_NAME "GodotSharpTools"
......@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
#ifndef GD_MONO_H
#define GD_MONO_H
#include "core/io/config_file.h"
#include "../godotsharp_defs.h"
#include "gd_mono_assembly.h"
#include "gd_mono_log.h"
......@@ -39,6 +41,43 @@
#include "../utils/mono_reg_utils.h"
namespace APIAssembly {
enum Type {
struct Version {
uint64_t godot_api_hash;
uint32_t bindings_version;
uint32_t cs_glue_version;
bool operator==(const Version &p_other) const {
return godot_api_hash == p_other.godot_api_hash &&
bindings_version == p_other.bindings_version &&
cs_glue_version == p_other.cs_glue_version;
Version() :
cs_glue_version(0) {
Version(uint64_t p_godot_api_hash,
uint32_t p_bindings_version,
uint32_t p_cs_glue_version) :
cs_glue_version(p_cs_glue_version) {
static Version get_from_loaded_assembly(GDMonoAssembly *p_api_assembly, Type p_api_type);
String to_string(Type p_type);
} // namespace APIAssembly
#define SCRIPTS_DOMAIN GDMono::get_singleton()->get_scripts_domain()
#define TOOLS_DOMAIN GDMono::get_singleton()->get_tools_domain()
......@@ -55,8 +94,11 @@ class GDMono {
MonoDomain *tools_domain;
bool core_api_assembly_out_of_sync;
bool editor_api_assembly_out_of_sync;
GDMonoAssembly *corlib_assembly;
GDMonoAssembly *api_assembly;
GDMonoAssembly *core_api_assembly;
GDMonoAssembly *project_assembly;
GDMonoAssembly *editor_api_assembly;
......@@ -75,7 +117,11 @@ class GDMono {
bool _load_project_assembly();
bool _load_all_script_assemblies();
bool _load_api_assemblies();
String _get_api_assembly_metadata_path();
void _register_internal_calls();
......@@ -111,6 +157,11 @@ public:
void metadata_set_api_assembly_invalidated(APIAssembly::Type p_api_type, bool p_invalidated);
bool metadata_is_api_assembly_invalidated(APIAssembly::Type p_api_type);
static GDMono *get_singleton() { return singleton; }
// Do not use these, unless you know what you're doing
......@@ -126,7 +177,7 @@ public:
_FORCE_INLINE_ GDMonoAssembly *get_corlib_assembly() const { return corlib_assembly; }
_FORCE_INLINE_ GDMonoAssembly *get_api_assembly() const { return api_assembly; }
_FORCE_INLINE_ GDMonoAssembly *get_core_api_assembly() const { return core_api_assembly; }
_FORCE_INLINE_ GDMonoAssembly *get_project_assembly() const { return project_assembly; }
_FORCE_INLINE_ GDMonoAssembly *get_editor_api_assembly() const { return editor_api_assembly; }
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ void MonoCache::cleanup() {
godot_api_cache_updated = false;
#define GODOT_API_CLASS(m_class) (GDMono::get_singleton()->get_api_assembly()->get_class(BINDINGS_NAMESPACE, #m_class))
#define GODOT_API_CLASS(m_class) (GDMono::get_singleton()->get_core_api_assembly()->get_class(BINDINGS_NAMESPACE, #m_class))
void update_corlib_cache() {
......@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ void update_godot_api_cache() {
mono_cache.task_scheduler_handle = MonoGCHandle::create_strong(task_scheduler);
mono_cache.corlib_cache_updated = true;
mono_cache.godot_api_cache_updated = true;
void clear_cache() {
......@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ GDMonoClass *type_get_proxy_class(const StringName &p_type) {
if (class_name[0] == '_')
class_name = class_name.substr(1, class_name.length());
GDMonoClass *klass = GDMono::get_singleton()->get_api_assembly()->get_class(BINDINGS_NAMESPACE, class_name);
GDMonoClass *klass = GDMono::get_singleton()->get_core_api_assembly()->get_class(BINDINGS_NAMESPACE, class_name);
if (!klass) {
......@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ GDMonoClass *get_class_native_base(GDMonoClass *p_class) {
do {
const GDMonoAssembly *assembly = klass->get_assembly();
if (assembly == GDMono::get_singleton()->get_api_assembly())
if (assembly == GDMono::get_singleton()->get_core_api_assembly())
return klass;
if (assembly == GDMono::get_singleton()->get_editor_api_assembly())
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