Unverified Commit 4db1f160 by Rémi Verschelde Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #39254 from akien-mga/vulkan-init-declare

Vulkan: Initialize struct members on declaration
parents 65a78711 5e62a2ee
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
#include "core/os/os.h"
#include "core/project_settings.h"
#include "drivers/vulkan/vulkan_context.h"
#include "thirdparty/spirv-reflect/spirv_reflect.h"
......@@ -5905,7 +5906,7 @@ void RenderingDeviceVulkan::draw_list_bind_render_pipeline(DrawListID p_list, RI
if (pipeline->push_constant_size) {
dl->state.pipeline_push_constant_stages = pipeline->push_constant_stages;
dl->validation.pipeline_push_constant_suppplied = false;
dl->validation.pipeline_push_constant_supplied = false;
......@@ -6036,7 +6037,7 @@ void RenderingDeviceVulkan::draw_list_set_push_constant(DrawListID p_list, const
vkCmdPushConstants(dl->command_buffer, dl->state.pipeline_layout, dl->state.pipeline_push_constant_stages, 0, p_data_size, p_data);
dl->validation.pipeline_push_constant_suppplied = true;
dl->validation.pipeline_push_constant_supplied = true;
......@@ -6064,7 +6065,7 @@ void RenderingDeviceVulkan::draw_list_draw(DrawListID p_list, bool p_use_indices
if (dl->validation.pipeline_push_constant_size > 0) {
//using push constants, check that they were supplied
"The shader in this pipeline requires a push constant to be set before drawing, but it's not present.");
......@@ -6300,7 +6301,7 @@ void RenderingDeviceVulkan::compute_list_bind_compute_pipeline(ComputeListID p_l
if (pipeline->push_constant_size) {
cl->state.pipeline_push_constant_stages = pipeline->push_constant_stages;
cl->validation.pipeline_push_constant_suppplied = false;
cl->validation.pipeline_push_constant_supplied = false;
......@@ -6433,7 +6434,7 @@ void RenderingDeviceVulkan::compute_list_set_push_constant(ComputeListID p_list,
vkCmdPushConstants(cl->command_buffer, cl->state.pipeline_layout, cl->state.pipeline_push_constant_stages, 0, p_data_size, p_data);
cl->validation.pipeline_push_constant_suppplied = true;
cl->validation.pipeline_push_constant_supplied = true;
......@@ -6460,7 +6461,7 @@ void RenderingDeviceVulkan::compute_list_dispatch(ComputeListID p_list, uint32_t
if (cl->validation.pipeline_push_constant_size > 0) {
//using push constants, check that they were supplied
"The shader in this pipeline requires a push constant to be set before drawing, but it's not present.");
......@@ -42,7 +42,9 @@
#include "vk_mem_alloc.h"
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
//push constants
......@@ -202,15 +204,10 @@ class RenderingDeviceVulkan : public RenderingDevice {
Error _insert_staging_block();
struct Buffer {
uint32_t size;
VkBuffer buffer;
VmaAllocation allocation;
uint32_t size = 0;
VkBuffer buffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VmaAllocation allocation = nullptr;
VkDescriptorBufferInfo buffer_info; //used for binding
Buffer() {
size = 0;
buffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
allocation = nullptr;
Error _buffer_allocate(Buffer *p_buffer, uint32_t p_size, uint32_t p_usage, VmaMemoryUsage p_mapping);
......@@ -570,7 +567,7 @@ class RenderingDeviceVulkan : public RenderingDevice {
struct DescriptorPoolKey {
union {
struct {
uint16_t uniform_type[UNIFORM_TYPE_MAX]; //using 16 bits because, for sending arrays, each element is a pool set.
uint16_t uniform_type[UNIFORM_TYPE_MAX]; // Using 16 bits because, for sending arrays, each element is a pool set.
struct {
uint64_t key1;
......@@ -712,106 +709,67 @@ class RenderingDeviceVulkan : public RenderingDevice {
Vector<SplitDrawListAllocator> split_draw_list_allocators;
struct DrawList {
VkCommandBuffer command_buffer; //if persistent, this is owned, otherwise it's shared with the ringbuffer
VkCommandBuffer command_buffer; // If persistent, this is owned, otherwise it's shared with the ringbuffer.
Rect2i viewport;
struct SetState {
uint32_t pipeline_expected_format;
uint32_t uniform_set_format;
VkDescriptorSet descriptor_set;
uint32_t pipeline_expected_format = 0;
uint32_t uniform_set_format = 0;
VkDescriptorSet descriptor_set = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
RID uniform_set;
bool bound;
SetState() {
bound = false;
pipeline_expected_format = 0;
uniform_set_format = 0;
descriptor_set = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
bool bound = false;
struct State {
SetState sets[MAX_UNIFORM_SETS];
uint32_t set_count;
uint32_t set_count = 0;
RID pipeline;
RID pipeline_shader;
VkPipelineLayout pipeline_layout;
VkPipelineLayout pipeline_layout = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
RID vertex_array;
RID index_array;
uint32_t pipeline_push_constant_stages;
State() {
set_count = 0;
pipeline_layout = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
pipeline_push_constant_stages = 0;
uint32_t pipeline_push_constant_stages = 0;
} state;
struct Validation {
bool active; //means command buffer was not closes, so you can keep adding things
FramebufferFormatID framebuffer_format;
//actual render pass values
uint32_t dynamic_state;
VertexFormatID vertex_format; //INVALID_ID if not set
uint32_t vertex_array_size; //0 if not set
uint32_t vertex_max_instances_allowed;
bool index_buffer_uses_restart_indices;
uint32_t index_array_size; //0 if index buffer not set
uint32_t index_array_max_index;
bool active = true; // Means command buffer was not closed, so you can keep adding things.
FramebufferFormatID framebuffer_format = INVALID_ID;
// Actual render pass values.
uint32_t dynamic_state = 0;
VertexFormatID vertex_format = INVALID_ID;
uint32_t vertex_array_size = 0;
uint32_t vertex_max_instances_allowed = 0xFFFFFFFF;
bool index_buffer_uses_restart_indices = false;
uint32_t index_array_size = 0;
uint32_t index_array_max_index = 0;
uint32_t index_array_offset;
Vector<uint32_t> set_formats;
Vector<bool> set_bound;
Vector<RID> set_rids;
//last pipeline set values
bool pipeline_active;
uint32_t pipeline_dynamic_state;
VertexFormatID pipeline_vertex_format;
// Last pipeline set values.
bool pipeline_active = false;
uint32_t pipeline_dynamic_state = 0;
VertexFormatID pipeline_vertex_format = INVALID_ID;
RID pipeline_shader;
uint32_t invalid_set_from;
bool pipeline_uses_restart_indices;
uint32_t invalid_set_from = 0;
bool pipeline_uses_restart_indices = false;
uint32_t pipeline_primitive_divisor;
uint32_t pipeline_primitive_minimum;
Vector<uint32_t> pipeline_set_formats;
uint32_t pipeline_push_constant_size;
bool pipeline_push_constant_suppplied;
Validation() {
active = true;
dynamic_state = 0;
vertex_format = INVALID_ID;
vertex_array_size = 0;
vertex_max_instances_allowed = 0xFFFFFFFF;
framebuffer_format = INVALID_ID;
index_array_size = 0; //not sent
index_array_max_index = 0; //not set
index_buffer_uses_restart_indices = false;
invalid_set_from = 0;
//pipeline state initalize
pipeline_active = false;
pipeline_dynamic_state = 0;
pipeline_vertex_format = INVALID_ID;
pipeline_uses_restart_indices = false;
pipeline_push_constant_size = 0;
pipeline_push_constant_suppplied = false;
uint32_t pipeline_push_constant_size = 0;
bool pipeline_push_constant_supplied = false;
} validation;
struct Validation {
uint32_t vertex_array_size; //0 if not set
uint32_t index_array_size; //0 if index buffer not set
uint32_t vertex_array_size = 0;
uint32_t index_array_size = 0;
uint32_t index_array_offset;
Validation() {
vertex_array_size = 0;
index_array_size = 0; //not sent
} validation;
DrawList *draw_list; //one for regular draw lists, multiple for split.
DrawList *draw_list; // One for regular draw lists, multiple for split.
uint32_t draw_list_count;
bool draw_list_split;
Vector<RID> draw_list_bound_textures;
......@@ -828,62 +786,39 @@ class RenderingDeviceVulkan : public RenderingDevice {
struct ComputeList {
VkCommandBuffer command_buffer; //if persistent, this is owned, otherwise it's shared with the ringbuffer
VkCommandBuffer command_buffer; // If persistent, this is owned, otherwise it's shared with the ringbuffer.
struct SetState {
uint32_t pipeline_expected_format;
uint32_t uniform_set_format;
VkDescriptorSet descriptor_set;
uint32_t pipeline_expected_format = 0;
uint32_t uniform_set_format = 0;
VkDescriptorSet descriptor_set = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
RID uniform_set;
bool bound;
SetState() {
bound = false;
pipeline_expected_format = 0;
uniform_set_format = 0;
descriptor_set = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
bool bound = false;
struct State {
Set<Texture *> textures_to_sampled_layout;
SetState sets[MAX_UNIFORM_SETS];
uint32_t set_count;
uint32_t set_count = 0;
RID pipeline;
RID pipeline_shader;
VkPipelineLayout pipeline_layout;
uint32_t pipeline_push_constant_stages;
State() {
set_count = 0;
pipeline_layout = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
pipeline_push_constant_stages = 0;
VkPipelineLayout pipeline_layout = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
uint32_t pipeline_push_constant_stages = 0;
} state;
struct Validation {
bool active; //means command buffer was not closes, so you can keep adding things
bool active = true; // Means command buffer was not closed, so you can keep adding things.
Vector<uint32_t> set_formats;
Vector<bool> set_bound;
Vector<RID> set_rids;
//last pipeline set values
bool pipeline_active;
// Last pipeline set values.
bool pipeline_active = false;
RID pipeline_shader;
uint32_t invalid_set_from;
uint32_t invalid_set_from = 0;
Vector<uint32_t> pipeline_set_formats;
uint32_t pipeline_push_constant_size;
bool pipeline_push_constant_suppplied;
Validation() {
active = true;
invalid_set_from = 0;
//pipeline state initalize
pipeline_active = false;
pipeline_push_constant_size = 0;
pipeline_push_constant_suppplied = false;
uint32_t pipeline_push_constant_size = 0;
bool pipeline_push_constant_supplied = false;
} validation;
......@@ -80,29 +80,15 @@ class VulkanContext {
} SwapchainImageResources;
struct Window {
bool is_minimzed;
VkSurfaceKHR surface;
VkSwapchainKHR swapchain;
SwapchainImageResources *swapchain_image_resources;
VkPresentModeKHR presentMode;
uint32_t current_buffer;
int width;
int height;
VkSurfaceKHR surface = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkSwapchainKHR swapchain = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
SwapchainImageResources *swapchain_image_resources = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkPresentModeKHR presentMode = VK_PRESENT_MODE_FIFO_KHR;
uint32_t current_buffer = 0;
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
VkCommandPool present_cmd_pool; //for separate present queue
VkRenderPass render_pass;
Window() {
width = 0;
height = 0;
render_pass = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
current_buffer = 0;
surface = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
swapchain_image_resources = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
swapchain = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
is_minimzed = false;
VkRenderPass render_pass = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
struct LocalDevice {
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