Commit 4d41535f by Marcel Admiraal

Correct the addition of a key and the duplication of a variable name

in Dictionary class documentation.
parent 039abbb6
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
var my_dir = {} # Creates an empty dictionary.
var points_dir = {"White": 50, "Yellow": 75, "Orange": 100}
var my_dir = {
var another_dir = {
key1: value1,
key2: value2,
key3: value3,
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
To add a key to an existing dictionary, access it like an existing key and assign to it:
var points_dir = {"White": 50, "Yellow": 75, "Orange": 100}
var points_dir["Blue"] = 150 # Add "Blue" as a key and assign 150 as its value.
points_dir["Blue"] = 150 # Add "Blue" as a key and assign 150 as its value.
Finally, dictionaries can contain different types of keys and values in the same dictionary:
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